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What we know about the New World is historically recent. The archaeological record shows that what we know about the Maya for example, spans about 120 years, and most of the actual scientific and field record covers about 30 years. We are speaking of a culture with a written language, difficult to translate, yes, but a language nevertheless.
The Incas had the quipus, knotted ropes which we have yet to figure out the meaning of. How about culture in the length and breadth of the Americas; that left sparse individual or collective implements; most did not leave anything.
Totora Reed Raft of Peru
This article was featured in Travel Thru History.
Traveling on the dry wind swept northern coast of Peru, beside splendid landscape, one finds interesting ways of how people make a...
If You Are Lucky You Will See The Snake On The Equinox
This article was featured in Loco Gringo.
Twice a year, at each equinox, the sun plays with the angles of the northeast stairway of the Kukulcán pyramid at Chichen Itza...
The Grand Bahama Sand Bar
This article was featured in Travel Thru History.
Ashort flight from Florida’s east coast is a 700+ islands archipelago, of which only 30 are inhabited. It was the playground of...
Chichén Itza’s Shadow
What we see is not always what we think it is nor expect, whether nature or man-made. It is often true with archaeological remains, when new discoveries on the...
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The Papantla Pole Dancers
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Totora Reed Raft of Peru
This article was featured in Travel Thru History.
Traveling on the dry wind swept northern coast of Peru, beside splendid landscape, one finds interesting ways of how people make a...
If You Are Lucky You Will See The Snake On The Equinox
This article was featured in Loco Gringo.
Twice a year, at each equinox, the sun plays with the angles of the northeast stairway of the Kukulcán pyramid at Chichen Itza...
The Grand Bahama Sand Bar
This article was featured in Travel Thru History.
Ashort flight from Florida’s east coast is a 700+ islands archipelago, of which only 30 are inhabited. It was the playground of...
Chichén Itza’s Shadow
What we see is not always what we think it is nor expect, whether nature or man-made. It is often true with archaeological remains, when new discoveries on the...
Lima, Pisco Sour and History
Whether one looks to bike, raft or explore this great country and learn about its impressive history or, better still, taste its great recipes from the Pacific coast to...